
In-game and Classic Widgets (Pop-ups)

Build a subscriber base, keep visitors on the website, and increase the average cheque.
Pop-ups in the center of the page immediately attract attention. Use them to run campaigns, offer discounts or unique content, and collect email addresses.
A horizontal box placed at the top or bottom of the page that follow the page when you scroll. This type of widget is great for collecting contacts or subtly advertising free shipping, new products, etc.
Toppers and Footers
A fun and interactive way to collect contacts and give away coupons or prizes. Enable this widget and offer your customers to try their luck. No matter the result, a user will receive a small gift, and you will get their contact info.
Wheel of Fortune
Notifications can be placed anywhere on the screen. They are smaller than a banner or a form, but often get more attention as they don’t cover the screen but instead appear over the website's contents.
⏱ Use website trigger events to your advantage
Learn more about triggers
Convead widgets benefits
Show widgets to the right people at the right time. Use dozens of segmentation parameters to personalize your customer experience.
Flexible Segmentation
Change the size of the widgets, images, block arrangements, styles, and make edits to the code. Personalize content for each and every client.
Personalized Content
Test texts, pictures, button colors, and any widget elements. Compare options for maximum results.
A/B Testing
Widget Examples
Collect contact info of your visitors
Boost sales
Guide visitors
Initiate the contact
Widget Examples
Collect contact into of your visitors
Boost sales
Guide visitors
Initiate the contact
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