Unified Customer Profile (CDP)

Collect customer data, behavior, purchases, and communication history in a single profile. Use this data to strengthen your marketing ecosystem.
Personal Data
Create a unified 360º customer profile. Combine data collected on the website, via CRM, loyalty programs, ads, and offline. Add an unlimited number of criteria for analysis: gender, age, clothing size, style preferences, marital status, number of children, and more. No restrictions.
Collect cart information: products, quantitites, current and former status, total value — all in one window. Our machine learning model selects product recommendations for each client based on their data and previous actions.
Order Information
Study your customers’ behavior and preferences. Follow them viewing a product, opening a newsletter, or clicking an email button. Analyze browsing history and targeted actions.
Tracking and Customer Behavior
⏱ Use website trigger events to your advantage
Learn more about triggers
CPD benefits
Dynamic segments based on behavioral data, purchase history, and customer characteristics. Vary your approach to customers to achieve better results.
Flexible Segmentation
Bulk, trigger, and scheduled email campaigns. Set up complex scripts or send one-time emails to get quick results.
Various Campaigns
Accurate data on campaign interactions, purchases, and probable quit reasons. Access real-time analytics to make quick and informed decisions.
Advanced Analytics
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