
Affiliate Program

Become our partner and start getting profit starting with the very first customer you acquire.
Affiliate Program Benefits
Customer recommendations
Partners’ cases get promoted
Cashback up to 20% from every payment
Every day our regular customers contact our support looking for one-time or full-cycle services. That’s when we recommend our partners.
Which clients will you recommend?
Ask your personal manager to send you promotional info, product presentations, banners, etc.
How do I get Convead’s marketing promo info?
Sure! When paying for several months in advance, your customers can get from 5% to 15% off. Read more about discounts on the Billing page.
Do customers get any discounts?
The more clients you acquire, the higher the reward fee gets:
10% for 1-3 users
15% for 4-10 users;
20% for more than 10 users.
How much do I get for 5 new clients?
You can always check the data on all the clients you’ve acquired in your personal account. Use a special button to request the payment.
How will I get my reward?
Sign up for the service and receive an individual referral link in the Affiliate Program section. Use this link to register your clients.
How to become a partner?
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